
Happy Face

.jpgHappy Face is the humorous and sad story of a man trying to understand his existence. An existential romantic comedy and crime novel wrapped into an innovative and often hilarious literary trip into the human condition, with literary allusions to such psychological and philosophical novels as Notes from underground and Invisible Man.
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HandM Test Book

.jpgtest book
Price: $0.00

Greening It

How Greener IT Can Form a Solid Base For a Low-Carbon Society EDITORS: ADRIAN T. SOBOTTA IRENE N. SOBOTTA JOHN GØTZE Copyright 2009 The GreeningIT Initiative CCAttribution Non-CommercialShareAlike This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License v3.0. To view a copy of this license visit: ISBN 13: 978-87-91936-02-9 ISBN More Info »
Price: $0.00

Greening It

How Greener IT Can Form a Solid Base For a Low-Carbon Society EDITORS: ADRIAN T. SOBOTTA IRENE N. SOBOTTA JOHN GØTZE Copyright 2009 The GreeningIT Initiative CCAttribution Non-CommercialShareAlike This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License v3.0. To view a copy of this license visit: ISBN 13: 978-87-91936-02-9 ISBN More Info »
Price: $0.00

Going Down to Lucky Town

.jpgCharlie the Pearl—con man, gambler, and ever absent father—is about to catch the dream that he’s chased his entire life—the secret of good luck. But it’s a secret that could cost Charlie the only thing in the world that he loves more than a winning streak—his daughter.     Note: includes an afterword by the More Info »
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.jpgSomeone has been breaking into Milwaukee morgues and stealing body parts. The police find their suspect when they apprehend Sam Pechinski, lapping up blood, at the scene of a fatal traffic accident. The suspect admits guilt, claiming he is on the verge of “transformation.”
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Fortune Ultimate Guide to Retirement

.jpgEverything you've always wanted to know about retirement investing - including answers to frequently asked questions about asset allocation, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions, taxes, Social Security and estate planning
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Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

.jpgA running prose translation of 42 verses from Bhagavad Gita, selected and set in order, by Ramana Maharshi, for use of those interested in Self Enquiry. In these verses Bhagavan reveals the seeker, that which is sought and the means by which one seeks.
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Espresso Fiction: A Collection of Flash Fiction for the Average Joe

.jpgDive into a world full of shrinking husbands, one-night stands, and President Lincoln doppelgangers. Flip through FictionBrigade’s first collection of flash fiction stories, where death meets love meets politics. Here, 25 talented writers, plus poets and artists, embrace the challenge of short form storytelling and deliver page-turning fiction. Enjoy it all in one sitting, with More Info »
Price: $4.99


.jpgAurora Award Finalist     Think of human emotion as a geography, with peaks of pleasure and valleys of pain. Imagine a drug that flips the valleys and makes them peaks, too. You react now to an event based not on the pleasure or pain it brings, but solely on the intensity of the emotion More Info »
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.jpgKallandras is a Master Bard, often sent by the Bardmaster into war zones - because he always survives. Set during the trek through the Sea of Sorrows, this is the story of Kallandras’ youth, in the labyrinths of the Brotherhood of Assassins. This is a novella set in the world of Essalieyan.
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EBOOK IN GERMAN LANGUAGE: alphabetical index of technical terms mechatronics

.jpgto buy: Product Description EBOOK IN GERMAN LANGUAGE: alphabetical index of technical terms mechatronics TECHNICAL WORDS / VOCABULARY: drive engineering, mechanical engineering, information technology, electronic engineering, engineering mechanics, automatic control engineering, automation engineering, automotive engineering, manufacturing engineering, pneumatics, hydraulics, robotics / robots Target audience: Industrial training mechatronics (trainee, vocational school student, trainer, teacher) Technician, More Info »
Price: $59.94

East Africa Famine

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.jpgAurora Award Finalist     Dr. Lucius Rainer, head of research at GenTech, is dead. But to Jack, it seems that his old mentor still lives on through his house. Certainly, Rainer’s strange island retreat exudes the personality of its late owner: isolated and eccentric, brooding and uninviting. But when GenTech learns that the house More Info »
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Dessert Guide to NYC

.jpgTake a dip into Dessert Guide to NYC
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Delusions of Glamour: A Collection of Missteps

.jpgA compilation of charming essays by a curly-haired Indian Muslim American writer with a quirky spin on life. Many of these pieces were published in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Christian Science Monitor, New York Press, Fresh Yarn, and other outlets.
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Damn New Book test

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Dadwagon Series

We are journalists in New York City who are trying to make sense of the sometimes baffling, often excruciating, occasionally amusing world of fatherhood. More Info »


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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Cover Image Test

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